Bangladesh uses a variety of irrigation systems, including deep and shallow tubewells, low-lift pumps, and manual devices.
Irrigation sources
- Groundwater: Groundwater is the main source of irrigation, used to irrigate 73.44% of cultivated land.
- Surface water: Surface water irrigates the remaining 26.56% of cultivated land.
Irrigation methods
- Deep tubewells: The largest water lifting device for irrigation, with a length of 60-90 meters.
- Shallow tubewells: Electrically operated shallow tubewells are commonly used.
- Low-lift pumps: Used for minor irrigation.
- Don: A manually operated boat-shaped wooden trough.
- Swing basket: A bamboo basket that is raised and discharged into the field channel.
Irrigation challenges
- Groundwater demand: Groundwater demand for irrigation can be reduced by adopting resource conserving crop management practices.
- Energy insecurity: Rising diesel prices and power shortages can impact food production.
- Climate change: Climate change is making droughts and erratic monsoons more likely.
Government support
- The government has liberalized the market for irrigation equipment to create opportunities for the private sector.
- The government has also extended financial and technical supports to promote supplemental irrigation.